Leave it to the Japanese for Hilarity!

This is the toilet training scene from one of the Shimajiro videos, a series of educational videos put out by the Japanese company Benesse. This once again proves that Bathroom humor is always funny! Thanks Dan for the laugh!

2 Years!!! Who Knew!?!?!

Well, today is officially 2 years for Dan and I. 2 years ago today we had our first awkward date at Spiderman 2. It doesn’t seem possible that 2 years has flown by already. But then I think back on all the changes since we met, and I realize, that yes it is true!

I will never forget the first time you came over, and after warning you you would probably not see my cat Waldo, you came in, and he walked right up to you. Something he has only done for two other friends of mine ever! I knew there must be something there if he had no inhibition of meeting you.

I have not met someone who makes me laugh so hard it hurts. I know we have had our rough spots, and they will always crop up, but I am so glad to have met someone that has given me the gift of trusting again. So many times before I was burned, that trust did not come easy, and for that I thank you!

I am looking forward to the trip up to Lyons tonight to go play some pinball!!! Here’s to many more anniversaries! Thanks for the Slushy Maker! I can’t wait to try it out tonight! Love ya! Boo.

In honor of the announcement that Futurama will return with all new episodes in 2008, I bring you this great little clip to promote Al Gore’s new movie.

Who Cares That Its Been Entertaining Denver for 116 Years!

Apparently not Six Flags new CEO, Mark Shapiro, that’s who! I knew from day one when Dan Snyder decided to oust the former CEO and bring in his friend Shapiro as the new CEO, Six Flags was doomed! They thought they could just come in and change the chain overnight. Well, with Six Flags not performing well last quarter, they are looking to make cuts again. After the demise of Astroworld it left many wondering what was next. Then they sold off Frontier Land. Now they have made it known that they are not done.

They are now looking at dismantling and or selling 6 more properties. These six properties include Six Flags Darien Lake outside Buffalo, N.Y., Six Flags Waterworld in Concord, Calif., Six Flags Elitch Gardens in Denver, Wild Waves and Enchanted Village outside Seattle, Six Flags Splashtown in Houston and Six Flags Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor near Los Angeles. Yes you see Elitch Gardens in that list.

Elitch Gardens has been entertaining Denver citizens and visitors since 1891. From its humble start as an orchard, to becoming Denver’s first Botanic Gardens, then Denver’s first Zoo, to today’s premier amusement park destination, it has always been there. Well, now, that is in jeopardy! Elitch’s sits on prime real estate which the CEO sees as a great money opportunity to help pay off debts. While no decision has been made yet, it is still a grave possibility that this Denver legend will cease to exist after the 2006 operating season.

I have been working at Elitch’s for the past 14 seasons now, and have been through quite a number of changes. It has become part of me, and I would sorely miss the park (even if I gripe about it from time to time. Tell me who doesn’t gripe about their job at some point!). I still remember my first season there working my little Uni Kiosk selling candy and film to the guests while the Wildcat roller coaster zoomed by behind me all day. Yes those early days, and the original park are gone, but the spirit is still there, it just needs to be unlocked again!

We need to find ways to make Shapiro realize that this park is an institution, and needs to be saved. In this day in age when all they see is $$$ figures, they need to realize what a devastation dismantling this park would be to Denver, not only historically, but financially. Elitch Gardens is a big part of the Denver commerce. It is a destination spot for many people that come to conventions at the Denver Convention Center just up the street. Being the largest amusement park basically between Chicago, Texas and California, people from many surrounding states make ventures to it each year. Don’t forget the thousands of teens the park employes each summer. For many of these kids, it’s their first job.

I know that no decision has been made, but we have to be preemptive on this now that we now that this is a possibility! I do hope in the end that if Shapiro sees it fit to do away with Elitch Gardens from the Six Flags chain, that he looks to sell it to a group that will plan to keep the park alive, and not just junk it like they did to Astroworld! Please, we can’t let Lakeside be Colorado’s only option for an amusement park!

Oh, the Ironing of It All!

Amarillo, Texas, the hometown of Caitlin Campbell. She recently took 8th place after misspelling collyrium (Eye Lotion). Still, this was quite an accomplishment for the 14 year old Campbell.

To honor her, the town of Amarillo decided to put up a billboard in her honor to welcome her back to town. They wanted to congratulate her on her efforts at the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, DC.

One problem, the company that created the banner misspelled her name. The banner read: Congratulations! Caitlin Cambell for making Amarillo proud. The company supplying the space for the banner has agreed to replace it with one containing the correct spelling.

Amarillo, your word is proofread. I will use it in a sentence. Proofreading is the act of making sure there are no typos before producing a document. That’s P-r-o-o-f-r-e-a-d.

By qphayes Posted in Humor

Ahh the Good Óle Days of Pinball!

For over three years now, Lyons Pinball has been entertaining those of us longing for the good óle days of classic Pinball! Dan and I have made it up there about 3 or 4 times so far. It is a fantastic laid back atmosphere where you can relive the golden years of a form of games that unfortunately doesn’t see too many newcomers to these days.

Located at 339-A Main Street in the small town of Lyons on the way to Estes Park, they have 35 Pinball games ranging from the 60s to the 2000s. They even have 7 classic video games. You can check their Game List for the current games available, it is constantly changing to keep the place fresh, and you never know just when it might be that classic game you used to sink all your spare change into as a kid!

For the video game fans, the have opened a second arcade of classic video games in Lyons as well.

So if you are looking for something different and interesting to do, consider the drive up to Lyons. From Denver Travel NORTH on I-25. Take CO-66 exit (exit number 243) toward LYONS. Turn LEFT onto CO-66/CR-30. Continue to follow CO-66. CO-66 becomes CO-7 NORTH/US-36 WEST. Lyons Classic Pinball will be on your left. Approx. 1.3 miles.

If you are a first time visitor, make sure to go to their site and print out a coupon for some free games!

Ahh the Good Óle Days of Pinball!

For over three years now, Lyons Pinball has been entertaining those of us longing for the good óle days of classic Pinball! Dan and I have made it up there about 3 or 4 times so far. It is a fantastic laid back atmosphere where you can relive the golden years of a form of games that unfortunately doesn’t see too many newcomers to these days.

Located at 339-A Main Street in the small town of Lyons on the way to Estes Park, they have 35 Pinball games ranging from the 60s to the 2000s. They even have 7 classic video games. You can check their Game List for the current games available, it is constantly changing to keep the place fresh, and you never know just when it might be that classic game you used to sink all your spare change into as a kid!

For the video game fans, the have opened a second arcade of classic video games in Lyons as well.

So if you are looking for something different and interesting to do, consider the drive up to Lyons. From Denver Travel NORTH on I-25. Take CO-66 exit (exit number 243) toward LYONS. Turn LEFT onto CO-66/CR-30. Continue to follow CO-66. CO-66 becomes CO-7 NORTH/US-36 WEST. Lyons Classic Pinball will be on your left. Approx. 1.3 miles.

If you are a first time visitor, make sure to go to their site and print out a coupon for some free games!

They Better Get Our Release Form!

South Bay University
has spent the past few months trying to unclog their drains after a student accidentally dropped their pink iPod Mini down the drain. Maintenance crews spent much of the spring semester trying to get this indestructible device out of their drains. They finally had to call in a professional contractor to take care of it. He only ended up getting it to move 20 feet, so they finally had to have a water company blast it causing many of the second floor toilets to do their imitations of Old Faithful.

At a cost of $1000 per week for months, it makes me feel much better about the $365 I had to spend to unclog my toilet after my birthday party! I guess I will have to be sending a copy our our release form to use the bathroom to the school!

The one thing I am left wondering is if the iPod still worked after all that… and if it does, who in their right mind would want to use it?!?!

For All Those Collectors out there.

Well, it is finally here… The 38th in the series of the 50 state quarters. Colorado’s quarter was released on June 14th. As Greg Moody on the Mix 100 Morning show said, “The front is George Washington like all the rest, but the back is a depiction of the latest Grand Deal from Grand Kia.”

Well, as you can see above, it is a beautiful scene of the rocky mountains. No skiers on them of course, but oh well.

I do hope to see it in the registers at work soon so I can continue my collection to have a retirement fund of $12.50!

By qphayes Posted in News